Apply to Visit

We are delighted to extend an invitation to experienced VATSIM controllers from other ARTCCs or FIRs, to join our team at vZOA as visiting controllers. To apply to become a visiting controller at vZOA, please complete all fields in the form below. Be aware, applications may be denied for the following criteria per the VATSIM Transfer and Visiting Controller Policy.

  • Lack of sufficient rating. It must be S3 or greater for new visitors.
  • Lack of time in current rating. It must be 90 days or greater.
  • Lack of time as member of home facility. It must be 90 days or greater.

If you are a VATSIM controller outside of the VATUSA division, you will need to pass the VATUSA's rating competency exam (RCE) first before applying to visit vZOA. Review the VATUSA FAQ for more details.

To apply to become a visiting controller at vZOA please complete all fields in the form below. By submitting this form and sending your request to become a visiting controller at Oakland ARTCC on VATSIM, you affirm that you have read and agreed to the VATSIM Transfer and Visiting Controller Policy and the expected minimum controller hours in vZOA CPS-001, as well as that you are in good standing with the VATSIM network. Falsifying your application will result in automatic denial and/or automatic removal from the roster if found after gaining membership.
